I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967
I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967
I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967, by Lauren Tarshis a short book by I Survived, tells how grizzlies would change the whole world. Mel is the main character of this book she has a brother named Kevin who is younger than her. All Mel wanted was her mother back. Unfortunately, she died in a car crash. However, Instead of thinking about it, she had to go to a cabin in Glacier Park with her papa. When she was there a Grizzly showed up in almost killed her. Then Mal went on to her thinking before the grizzly attacked her. Will Mal figure out what caused the attack from the Grizzly?
I like this book because it teaches me a lot about grizzlies. One of the things learned was that grizzlies are that they stand, to make themself look big to other animals. Another thing I liked was the pictures.
Again, good job on the first paragraph Hunter. However, you could put more effort into the second paragraph. Mr. H