Hotdog! Game Time!

        Hotdog! Game Time!

Hotdog Game Time, by AHH Do, shows how helping others is more than winning. First, there are three best friends named Kevin, Lizzie, and Hotdog. Kevin is missing his mother because his mother is all the way on Rainbow Island, helping sick animals. So hot dog and Lizzie try to cheer Kevin up all different ways. The first way is, Hotdog and Lizzie dress up as Kevin's favorite foods.  Then they took him to the park and there was a sign that said "Game Day coming", teams of three for the big prize a trip to Rainbow Island. So they all practice for the whole week. Then all their skills are ready for the big game day. Will Kevin and his friends win "Game Day"?

I like this book because it shows kindness and that helping others is more important than winning. I like the characters in this book because each one has a different personality. Kevin is lazy but super strong, he lifted up an elephant. Lizzie is super strict but super speedy and kind. Hotdog is just chill and always figures out the problem.


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