My Favorite Animal Elk

     My Favorite Animal Elk by Victoria Marcos teaches about elk bodies, what elk eat, and elk babies. Male elk can weigh an average of 700 pounds, females weigh an arerage of 400 pounds, and newborn calves weigh about 35 pounds. Male elk have antlers that are four feet tall, and female elk do not have antlers. Males or bulls lose their antlers, antlers can weigh about 40 pounds. Elk live in herds, called gangs. They live in dry desert valleys, rainforests, and alpine meadows to find food and water. Elk are running animals, when elk are alarmed they put their heads up and ears rotate to listen. Bulls elk to prove Dominance, Bold with Bigger antlers usually when to get them dominate small herds. Elk are very noisy. They warn of danger, chirp, squeal, and meow.


One fact I like about this book was the picture. It described how tall an elk is or the Habitat that lives in. I have a personal connection with this book. At my house, there was a gang, that got water from my pond. One night and they were fighting outside at night. 


  1. Pretty good Hunter. Be sure you check for convention errors before you submit your blog. Grammarly should help with this. Mr. H


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